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Helping a homeless man
for veterans in the Kanawha Valley.

Making a Better Community

Through Sustainable Solutions

Our Story

Peak Living Services is an independent non-profit agency serving West Virginia and a provider of transitional, and permanent supportive housing to those experiencing homelessness. In addition to housing assistance after care and supportive services such as rapid rehousing, attainment of Social Security and other eligible benefits, referrals for substance abuse and mental health treatment, healthcare coordination, peer counseling, and other case management services for individuals 18 years of age and older and experiencing homelessness.

Our mission is to provide a supportive environment and comprehensive services for individuals who are experiencing the crisis of homelessness so they can get back on their feet, become as self-sufficient as their abilities will allow, and provide them with the skills that will assist them in not returning to homelessness.


Our Team

Our team at Peak Living Services is dedicated to ending chronic and Veteran’s homelessness. To this end, we strives to provide safe, temporary shelter, skill development, and referrals to recovery services to support individuals experiencing homelessness to become self-sufficient

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